Formed in 2015, Justice are the trio of Taichi Nakura (Endon), Gojiro Sakamoto, and Yuichiro Tamaki...
Black Metal / Japanese Noise / Hardcore / Experimental
£9.00 £11.50
Reissue of the Tokyo Harsh Collage Noise unit's 2004 CDR. Variations Of Sex is the solo unit of Koic..
Japanese Noise / Experimental
£9.00 £11.50
Kazuma Kubota, the flag-bearer of the Post Harsh Noise scene presents material which laid the founda..
Japanese Noise / Ambient
£9.50 £13.50
Extreme electronic music act from Tokyo, who pursues an original harsh noise sound. BLACKPHONE666's ..
Japanese Noise
£7.50 £11.50
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Pages)