Painting Petals On Planet Ghost is brothers Maurizio and Roberto Opalio (My Cat Is An Alien), along with Ramona Ponzini. The project combines the most lyrical and melodic MCIAA sounds with ancient Japanese poetry as a privileged source of texts to be set to music.
PPOPG create some wonderfully fragile and unusual experiments that fall somewhere between folk, psychedelia and drone. Ramona sings in Japanese as well as contributing furin, metal and wooden Japanese wind chimes. These are combined with Maurizio on acoustic guitar, and Roberto on mini keyboard, bodhran, alientronics, and wordless vocalizations. The trio's eclectic setup helps them create some truly luscious and mysterious music that is perfectly fragile, strange, distant and delicate.
A mantric gait of ambient atmospheres that interweave introspectively, ghostly reflections on the edge of dream and ancestral memories where emotions re-emerge in an evanescent dimension. 80 ecstatic minutes.
- Record Label: Silentes
- Genre: Experimental / Psych-Folk / Drone
- Availability: In Stock
- £7.00
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Tags: PAINTING PETALS ON PLANET GHOST, Transparent Winter, Silentes, Maurizio Opalio, Roberto Opalio, My Cat Is An Alien, Ramona Ponzini, Drone, Psych-Folk, Experimental,