NYTT LAND - 'Oðal'

CSR249CD (13 March 2018)
CD in 6-panel digipak
Barcode: 0641871745074

Siberian band NYTT LAND presents its new epic musical canvas. Working with the same unchanging 4 band-members, the musicians continue to revive the true magical sound of the Ancient North.


Oðal is inspired by the traditional music of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, the Old Icelandic epic and the atmosphere of classic Norwegian black metal.

This time the album was recorded without using samples; all parts of the instruments were performed live. All songs were recorded and mixed in one of the technical quality best Russian studios, "Radio Sibir", which strongly affected the sound quality. All the sounds of nature were recorded in western Siberia and northern Norway.

For the first time the 4-year-old son of Natalia and Anatoly, Yuri Pakhalenko, took part. By this they emphasise the concept of the album - heritage.

As in the previous album, Fimbulvinter (CSR234CD), Oðal features the traditional Siberian overtone singing technique "kargyraa", but the overtone singing by vocalist Natalia Pakhalenko gives a special character to the sound. This is very unique, since this technique is a almost exclusively a male singing practice due to its physicality.

So, it's time to start the path to the roots...

Track listing:

1. Darraðarljóð / The Song of the Valkyries (3:20)
2. Ragnarök (6:38)
3. Midsommar (7:08)
4. Hávamál (6:31)
5. Norður / Yule Song (6:25)
6. Tagelharpa Song (2:44)
7. Deyr Fé / The Heritage (9:11)
8. Völuspá (5:53)
9. Sigrdrífumál / The Ballad of The Victory-Bringer (6:53)


Top 10 Albums Of 2018, Real Clear Life

"A dazzling prayer of an album, Odal is a call to peace and war. Perhaps it’s best described as Renaissance if they had emerged from the dirt and beauty of a Game of Thrones landscape. To others, it may conjure the bite and glower of black metal translated into an ancient and eternal vocabulary. It is music that might be found in the past or in the future, accompanying ceremonies around holy arks, baptismal fonts, and funeral pyres. Possibly the only album will make total sense to fans of Fairport Convention, Dimmu Borgir, and Arcade Fire." (Real Clear Life)

"Nytt Land sounds a real blessing for all lovers of ritual and related music genres. This album feels like being touched by the hand of a music Goddess. No doubt about it, this album will also become one of my favorites of this year!" (9/10, Side-Line)

"NYTT Land goes for an ancient ceremonial sound with the celebratory “OĐAL”. Everything works wonders, from the thought-provoking surreal arrangements to the propulsive rhythms. By opting for this full-bodied, fully immersive experience, the whole album simply stuns... a whole environment comes into view one both beautiful and otherworldly... NYTT Land chooses a unique path to traverse, one full of intricate details and mysterious turns." (Beach Sloth)

"Nytt Land has definitely not promised too much, even the first seconds of the album are so intense that everything else takes a back seat.... The relationship between vocals and instruments is perfect... The Siberians understand how to incorporate entire soundscapes and intertwine with vocals and instrumentals so that they naturally merge in the songs... dark and mystical, which more than does justice to the self-proclaimed genre Dark Shamanic" (Blutrache)

"Nytt Land Takes you to an Ancient Land... Every piece is traditional and is radiating with the rhythmic power of northern European sound... This is what Oðal is about, keeping the Siberian history alive in a world that doesn't regard history in high esteem. This is what makes the album so meaningful and important and why the idea of regenerating ancient music is something that we could use a lot more of. Nytt Land is reviving their heritage for us to appreciate." (Indie Band Guru)

"I sat back with yesterday's crossword... and in the background the two voices and many percussion of Nytt Land pounding away. I am sure I mentioned before that Dead Can Dance's 'Aion' is a particular personal favourite but in fact I enjoy more works by that group, and while Nytt Land doesn't have the same complex sound or as many inspirational sources from all around the world this work I enjoyed very much" (Vital Weekly)

"Atmosphere creation is a primary goal for Nytt Land and it is unquestionable they achieve it through the use of native percussion... Odal is as authentic as they come, and recording the native sound in western Siberia or northern Norway adds even more to authenticity... these songs are almost trance inducing". (Metalreviews.com)

"...this is another great sounding album from Nytt Land and if you are a fan of dark and shamanistic Norse/Siberian folk music, you should check out this recording" (8.5/10, Hatred Means War)

"...there is no, or next to no metal on this record, but its aura is definitely present all throughout. They get massive points for using physical, traditional instruments, and using some badass overtone singing! Count me in!" (Can This Even Be Called Music)

"Perhaps even better than his predecessor to use some means of modernity to remove a dust's patina to a form rooted in ancient times, so it could be enjoyed even by fans on modern songs. It's really worth a listen." (Chain D.L.K.)

"...un album à la croisée du monde des vivants et de celui des esprits. Shamanique en diable, Ođal tend en effet des passerelles entre civilisation et nature, entre slave et nordique, entre musique folk ambient et sons du dehors... La puissance qui émane de ces neuf compositions force le respect, ainsi que la passion qui habite ses valeureux auteurs, qui ne serait pas prêt à aller dans la foulée à la rencontre du vent, de la neige et des loups avec une telle bande originale?!" (5/5, Nawakulture)

"Clairement, c'est toute la tradition shamanique ancestrale qui se trouve ici magnifiquement revivifiée, avec un rendu qui exige un temps d'adaptation... L'auditeur qui accepte ce cérémoniel se trouve littéralement transporté en pleine taiga, porté par les pulsations rythmiques, hypnotisé par des lignes vocales envoûtantes. Une splendide expérience..." (19/20, Kaos Guards)

"La música, hábilmente equilibrada al borde del ambiente ritual y la gente tradicional del norte de Europa, nace en el corazón de Siberia. Los instrumentos creados por los músicos de la banda despiertan algo sagrado, largamente olvidado....crean una atmosfera oscura y como de brujería, envolviéndote con sus melodías oscura e invocándote con sus canticos... escucha de indispensable." (9.5/10, Necromance)

"Ciò che eleva i Nytt Land al di sopra della concorrenza è il superbo lavoro svolto per le vocalizzazioni... Album che conferma i Nytt Land nel gotha di una scena che ha il delicato e nobile compito di mantenere vive quelle sonorità ancestrali che sarebbe delittuoso lasciar cadere nell'oblio del dimenticatoio, e che in "Odal" rivivono nella dimensione ad esse più consona." (Darkroom Magazine)

"Αέρας κοφτός και ψυχρός,λύκοι να γρυλίζουν και τρομακτικές κραυγές χρωματίζουν την ατμόσφαιρα.Ρυθμοί βγαλμένοι από αυτόχθονες τις βόρειας Ευρώπης με συνοδεύουν ενώ ο ήχος της ξεχασμένης tagelharpa (τετράχορδη λύρα των Νορβηγών) με συναρπάσει!... μια ενδιαφέρουσα ιστορική αναδρομή σε όλους τους ξεχασμένους ήχους που θα ακούγαμε από αρχαίες φυλές της Σιβηρίας και των VIkings... και μιλάμε για κάτι πολύ εξεζητημένο." (Metal Revolt)

"Folk v podání Nytt Land dýchá šamanským primitivismem a jakousi prastarou aurou... Oðal“ je vážně vysoce povedená deska, jež jde nad rámec kvazi-atmosférického pidlikání a skutečně předkládá skladatelsky propracované kompozice, jimž kupříkladu nechybí výrazná gradace... „Oðal“ je jednoduše výborné album, dost trvanlivé, poutavé a s fungující atmosférou. Což je ve své podstatě vše, co člověk může od tohoto žánru žádat. Jednoznačná spokojenost. (Sicmaggot)

"Odal ist eines dieser ganz seltenen Alben, die es schaffen, innerhalb von Sekunden zu berühren und zu fesseln und diese Intensität über die komplette Spieldauer aufrecht erhalten. Man sollte sich für das Album auf jeden Fall Zeit nehmen und es im Ganzen genießen, um alle Details mitzubekommen... gibt es von mir eine ganz dicke Empfehlung. Das Album der Sibirier ist das außergewöhnlichste, das ich seit langem gehört habe." (Kalle-Rock)

"...melodischer und eingängiger als der Vorgänger. Hier kann man wirklich eine Entwicklung feststellen... die Band den Spagat zwischen Wiedererkennungswert, Stiltreue und Entwicklung. Nytt Land gehen weiter und klingen dennoch absolut vertraut. Die deutliche Entwicklung in der Produktion tut ihr übrigens, um diese Band einen festen Bestandteil in der internationalen heidnischen Folkmusik-Szene werden zu lassen". (Heidan Frihals)

"Em apenas três anos, os Nytt Land, com line-up intocável, já chegaram ao quarto álbum que é nada mais, nada menos do que uma tela pintada por cores sonoras que evoluíram muito à custa de terem sido captadas no Radio Sibir, um dos estúdios russos mais conceituados... Enigmático, especialmente para quem não cresceu no seio das comunidades siberianas, “Oðal” também é aconchegante, quente (mesmo que oriundo de terras tão frias quando o Inverno impiedoso ataca) e sobretudo hipnotizante. Indicado para fãs de Wardruna e Forndom." (Ultraje)

NYTT LAND - 'Odal' CD (CSR249CD)

  • Record Label: - Cold Spring -
  • Genre: Ritual / Nordic Folk
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £10.50

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Tags: Nordic Folk, Siberian Folk, Odal, Russia, Nytt Land, Vikings, Ritual, Cold Spring, Oðal