• FROM THE BOGS OF AUGHISKA - 'From The Bogs Of Aughiska' CD

Dark / Black Ambient noisescapes inspired by Celtic history, the harsh, rugged west coast of Ireland, misty boglands, dark nights, rural isolation, forests, The Burrens flora and fauna. Over 40 minutes of cavernous soundscapes (similar to Inade, Satori and Lustmord), moving into Vinterriket territory, with interesting tales of banshees and the pagan mythology of Ireland. The musical equivalent of standing atop the majestic Cliffs Of Moher with a gale force wind in your face.

FROM THE BOGS OF AUGHISKA - 'From The Bogs Of Aughiska' CD

  • Record Label: Lone Vigil Recordings
  • Genre: Dark Ambient / Black Ambient / Celtic
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £11.00
  • £7.00

Tags: From the Bogs Of Aughiska, Lone Vigil Recordings, Black Ambient, Dark Ambient, Celtic