A compilation of Pettersen's electro-acoustic compositions executed within that four year span. "Each work is put together from processed field recordings and tapes of his home-made instruments, not that you'd know it when faced with this near-stony, unfathomable and slightly chaotic abstraction. More often than not I feel like a small pebble rolling down the side of a glacier as I listen. Some composers in this area can't help but look for natural rhythms as they assemble their found materials, exploiting the natural warp and weft of the sounds like rings inside a tree trunk. Not Pettersen, who seems determined to refuse any sort of structural sense in favour of the random and the organic" (The Sound Projector).
PAL ASLE PETTERSEN - 'Komposisjoner 2005-2008' CD
- Record Label: Zang
- Genre: Electro-Acoustic / Experimental
- Availability: In Stock
- £10.00
Tags: Komposisjoner 2005-2008, Pål Asle Pettersen, Zang, Experimental, Electro-Acoustic