• ANDY ORTMANN - 'Octagonist' DVD-A

"Before better known as Panicsville, but now moving into the realms of serious music (this new release got some sponsoring from arts councils) under his own name. The octa-thing deals with the number eight, and the three pieces here on this DVD (no images) can be played on a 7.1 installation, if you have such a thing. I only have a 2.0 installation, called 'stereo', but it sounds great still. Ortmann lists a list of instruments - mainly old analogue synthesizers and where he did his field recordings. Just as on the Schimpfluch disc, I'd say this is the small alley where noise is really interesting. Not because it's super loud, although there are points when things are pretty loud, but because of the fine balance between electronic, noisy sounds and the crackling of highly amplified field recordings which are all put together into an interesting collage of sound. Not like Schimpfluch of short and shorter sounds, but through longer pieces which work quite well. Great stuff, both of these releases and if noise is like this, I'd sign up again." (Vital Weekly).

ANDY ORTMANN - 'Octagonist' DVD-A

  • Record Label: Nihilist
  • Genre: Noise / Experimental
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £11.00
  • £5.00

Tags: Octagonist, Experimental, Panicsville, Nihilist, Andy Ortmann, Noise