COLOSSLOTH - 'Outstretch Your Hand For The Impress Of Truth'

CSR214CD (28 December 2015)
CD in jewelcase
Barcode: 0641871744626

From the wild hedgerows and deep dark rivers of the Midlands, Leicestershire's Colossloth makes psychogeographic maladies and invocations to warm the heart of the discerning and intrepid psychonaut. Phonic seeds planted in Blackened soil fertilised by visceral imagination. A fugitive ambience for those seeking solace in the unexpected.

From supporting the likes of Tim Hecker and Wrangler, Colossloth's music alternates between the brooding and abrasive to the transcendental and enchanted. With nods to a multitude of genres - from industrial and ethnic tribalism to caustic electronica, it's spirit can be found crucified in between the anode and cathode of occult circuitry, transmitting across modern England whispered messages from the lips of the old gods of Albion.

Track listing:

1. The Flavour Of The Weak (3:57)
2. Your Flag Stands For Nothing (3:48)
3. Cave In We Are Complete (4:11)
4. Outstretch Your Hand For The Impress Of Truth (4:10)
5. The World Keeps Turning (On Me) (3:35)
6. Of Talons And Teeth (4:06)
7. Paint Her Face To Simulate The Bloom (3:46)
8. The Nameless Saint (3:29)
9. Black Deeds From Dead Seeds (4:15)


...on previous records [Colossloth] whipped up just about the perfect aQ concoction - heaving drones, dense rumbles, psychedelic noise and blown out industrial doom... The sound is definitely noisy, but not really noise, flitting from lush, layers fields of backwards shimmer, to blown out organ jams that sound like isolated tracks from some lost ELP record run through a battery of boomboxes, to what sounds like some John Carpenter soundtrack melted down into a gorgeously abstract ooze. There are heavy moments for sure, but mostly, the sounds seem hazy and smoothed around the edges, giving everything a druggy, soft psych feel, with plenty of prickle just below the surface, and for what IS essentially kind of a noise record, it's pretty goddamn hypnotic, every track here locking into mesmerizing loops, and tripped out avant industrial/electronic ambience. Awesome." (Aquarius)

"The listener hurtles through Outstretch Your Hand... in a state of shock, scrabbling for glimmers of comprehension inside a labyrinth of deliberate, cruelly calculated mindfuck... Colossloth operates with an awareness of how to generate the most dramatic subversions of expectation. A work of deft industrial choreography, disguised as a putrid and irreparable mess" (Rock-A-Rolla)

"...a work of tribal electronic music where dark ambient, technological elements, noise, feedback, never too hostile drones (to whoever is familiar with the genre) are linked and subjugated to the sound ritual he mastered... for an album that requires an active listening, possibly down in the darkness of the world it evokes; reverberations, piano sounds, some acoustic elements, and distant and submerged vocal samples complete the picture of a work that can give much to the listener... a distract listening is detrimental, instead is required a serene, but active sensory participation to the suites and the sudden changes. We think this is something that should be known and rewarded" (9/10, Flux)

"a collision of sounds tapping into many vestiges of the experimental music milieu. You’ll find heavy nods to industrial, noise, and drone, along with mangled guitar noodling, digital sound manipulations, and even some symphonic and folkish forays. Intertwining so many genres and sounds might prove to be a schizophrenic affair in lesser hands, however Colossloth manages to weave a compelling and cohesive tapestry" (4/5, Musique Machine)

"[his music] sounds like you are standing on the blackened fields of an industrial wasteland as fire rains down around you and infernal hosts march forward to war... This album is outstanding, bloody disturbing, but outstanding all the same. It’s the kind of thing you might hear if someone had ever made a proper soundtrack to the Hellraiser films, I know Coil released theirs but this is far better.. this music will haunt you, it will come to you in your dreams as the world breathes it’s last. A triumph for the outer edge of music, the wastelands that so many people won’t go to but those that do never really make it back" (Fighting Boredom)

"El genuino e imprevisible estilo de Colossloth se basa en yuxtaponer de golpe en golpe todo tipo de contextos antagónicos, dando lugar a un mosaico de sensaciones dispares, muchas veces enfrentadas. En esta brutal contraposición de sabores reside el encanto de una de las propuestas más refrescantes de los últimos meses... Y es que de este grupo sorprende absolutamente todo, comenzando por el diseño de su portada, que, a primera vista, nos haría prejuzgar que se trata de una banda de metal oscuro. Nada más lejos de la realidad; y es así, precisamente, donde Colossloth pretende ser ubicado: cerca del núcleo del surrealismo y la indeterminación. Lejos de la realidad." (8.5/10, Mentenebre)

"Se vogliamo trovare un filo conduttore nell'espressionismo sonoro di questo autore, lo potremmo rintracciare in una vena oscura in parte coniata dalle molteplici frequenze basse utilizzate, in parte debitrice delle massificazioni tonali dark ambient e doom... Percorso da sentori tematici che conducono al folklore senza tralasciare una certa velata ironia, l'album è in sintesi un ibrido che sfugge ad ogni categorizzazione e che riesce a sviluppare un'anima propria con vette di grande interesse, segnando i nuovi traguardi del settore."(Darkroom)

"Outstretch Your Hand for the Impress of Truth has blown me away... It’s the closest thing to soundtracking death’s inevitability that I have heard for a long while. Both terror and redemption are here. This is superb uneasy listening in the vein of Haxan Cloak, a more considered Merzbow perhaps, with echoes of Fennesz. It's essential" (Both Bars On)

"The sound is a kind of sterile space filled with numerous and diversified noises... From guitar to classic piano passages and from a few lost spoken words to iron noises this album is an impressive platform of sonic jewelry, which always joins an ultimate dark atmosphere throughout the entire album with its dense and obscure texture. Colossloth avoids any kind of established stereotypes while using familiar elements from industrial-, ambient- and experimental music" (Side-Line)

"a nine track album which boasts a comprehensive library of various articles of noise. Colossloth is able to maintain his own identity in the experimental locale thanks to his stunning backdrops and focus on analog-like sounds from another era... For me, noise like this - experimental sounds that never cease to twist and bend every corner you stroll down - has a meditative quality to it when played at a low to mid-level, and that's exactly how I prefer it. "Outstretch Your Hand For The Impress Of Truth" is a grueling test of self through industrial menaces and noise experimentation" (Brutal Resonance)

"cience fiction, featuring crumbling dystopias and a population scavenging for electronic scrap comes to mind and the overarching sense of dread is palpable... It's not often you find ambience that's this nuanced and engaging, but the layers interlaced here create something monolithic and enticing"(Ninehertz)

"...this is an abrasive collection of industrial soundscapes and white noise, it will take a lot of people out of their listening comfort zone. The results though are ultimately rewarding, because hidden in the sounds of malfunctioning circuitry and electronic chatter are moments of beauty and calm... It is the kind of album that will have you discovering new textures and sounds with each and every listen. I am sure for those of you who give this album a listen you will find your own comparisons for me it’s part ‘Suicide’,’Merzbow‘, the noise of ‘Teeth Of The Sea‘ or even ‘Gnod‘. Lets be honest even if I am partly right with those comparisons you know your in for a treat." (Heathen Mofo)

COLOSSLOTH - 'Outstretch Your Hand For The Impress Of Truth' CD (CSR214CD)

  • Record Label: - Cold Spring -
  • Genre: Industrial / Tribal / Electronica
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £8.00

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Tags: Tribal, Electronica, Colossloth, Outstretch Your Hand For The Imp, Cold Spring, CSR, Industrial