L'eclipse Nue is an Industrial / Noise unit, with a disturbing, noisy mixture of synthesizers, samplers, vocals and effects with a pitch black thread throughout. "Lifeblood" embodies a yearning to ascend above the physical realm. It is the razing of paths that lead us back into an oppressed state. It is both an expressionist document of L'eclipse Nue's continuing transition into American life, and a living, mutable organism. Guests: Stillborn Diz, Hiko (drummer for Gauze). Presented in a Super Jewelcase with graphic design by Zorin (Entre Vifs).
L'ECLIPSE NUE - 'Lifeblood' CD
- Record Label: Aussaat
- Genre: Industrial / Noise
- Availability: In Stock
- £12.00
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Tags: Gauze, Stillborn Diz, Noise, Industrial, Aussaat, Lifeblood, L'ECLIPSE NUE