Final release from this enigmatic French act, who over their 10+ year existence, evolved into something very cerebral and innovative, fusing tribal rhythms and percussion with post-industrial and post-rock soundscapes, where cinematic textures and emotive melodies combine to create an eclectic, yet highly detailed and focused listening experience. Sigma Octantis have undoubtedly forged their own identity, the strength of their sound coming from an ability to take a template established 20 years ago, and expound upon it with a distinctive and broad palette of layers and complexities, where the overall arrangement of the tracks is structured and song oriented, but made surreal, unpredictable, and infinitely engrossing. For fans of Morthound, Deutsch Nepal, and the latter works of Caul. Ltd x 500 copies in an eco-wallet. Mastered by Frederic Arbour (Cyclic Law).
SIGMA OCTANTIS - 'Dissipations' CD
- Record Label: Malignant Records
- Genre: Ritual / Death Industrial / Dark Ambient
- Availability: In Stock
- £11.00
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Tags: Death Industrial, Ritual, OPN, Malignant Records, Malignant Antibody, Sigma Octantis, Dark Ambient, Dissipations