Ab'bhau is formed by established musicians of the Spanish underground scene (Black Earth, Xedh, Soleil Satan, Sudaria, Völga, Suspiral, Inhumankind, Phicus, Triple Zero, Gárgara etc).
The ritualistic essence of this artistic incarnation is based upon the rupture of repetitive patterns through improvisation as a medium to convey abject forces into the shape of what the band has called 'Black Metal Destruktion', stemming from Heideggerian terminology.
Ab'bhau's debut album was forged in fire after mysterious live apparitions and rehearsal sessions. The aim behind this first exploration was void invocation, void materialization.
50 mins. Ltd x 77 copies on pro-tape with matt inlay.
AB'BHAU - 'Devastaciones Bajo El Fulgor Del Vacío' Cassette
- Record Label: Thoth Tapes
- Genre: Black Metal / Drone / Ritual
- Availability: In Stock
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Tags: AB'BHAU, Devastaciones Bajo, El Fulgor Del Vacío, Cassette, Thoth Tapes, Soleil Satan, Black Metal, Drone, Ritual, Black Earth, Xedh, Sudaria, Völga, Suspiral, Inhumankind, Phicus, Triple Zero, Gárgara, Alejandro Durán, Alex Reviriego, Marta Sainz, Miguel A. García, Miguel Souto, Vasco Trilla