The first of a double issue of this essential magazine focusing on the international industrial-noise scene. Not "two-in-one style", but two magazines published at once. When the time came for a new issue, there was enough material to fill two issues, so to honour the 'zine format, and in favour of good design and readability, we are presented with two perfectly-formed issues.

Features interviews with: Decondition, Arvo Zylo, Desgranges / Rectal Nylon, Moozzhead, MIA / Neons, Sodomy From Beyond / Depravar, and Narcolepsia label, plus a "Personality and noise" essay by Mikko A.

An essential deep read, and an antithesis to the flash-in-the-pan of social media: something to be "remembered, re-found and cultivated" years down the line. A4, 48 pages. 


  • Record Label: Freak Animal
  • Genre: Magazine
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £9.00

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Tags: SPECIAL INTERESTS 14 Magazine, Decondition, Arvo Zylo, Desgranges / Rectal Nylon, Moozzhead, MIA / Neons, Sodomy From Beyond / Depravar