The debut album of Nihilistic dark Folk from The Cult Of Sunlight was created by M W Daniels from dark ambient outfit The Suspended Apparition. Here Daniels explores his interests in witches, paganism and wiccan magic as well as apparitions and intense ritual.
The album moves between cinematic ritualistic dark folk, witching acoustic guitar rites, psychedelic acid folk dark mantras and thunderous martial ritual drums. Daniels cites the late 60's and early 70's dark folk of Changes, Comus and The Incredible String Band as the initial inspirations for the project then bringing in the early 70's acid psych folk moments of Amon Duul 1 & 2, Paul Giovanni's legendary soundtrack for The Wicker Man and equally legendary French composer Camille Saint-Saëns classic Danse Macabre which is Daniels' favourite ever piece of music.
Daniels sees" Enter The Seasonal Ritual" as more a soundtrack to an unmade folk horror film rather than a conventional album but as he is also a filmmaker himself the film of this soundtrack will possibly get made in the next couple of years.
THE CULT OF SUNLIGHT - 'Enter The Seasonal Ritual' CD
- Record Label: Misantropia Records
- Genre: Dark Folk / Psych-Folk / Ritual
- Availability: In Stock
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Tags: THE SUSPENDED APPARITION, THE CULT OF SUNLIGHT, Enter The Seasonal Ritual, Ambirial Mvsic Prodvctions, Misantropia Records, Dark Folk, Psych-Folk, Ritual