A split album between Hyperborei (Argentina) and Dark Awake (Greece), featuring 6 songs from each group, each one in its particular musical style. In regards to Hyperborei, most songs are dark folk; alternate versions of some songs taken from the soundtrack of the independent movie "The Hidden Sky", which they composed entirely, and a cover version of the song 'Across The Universe' by The Beatles, in a martial vein! Dark Awake is altogether more martial in style, with powerful drums, chants, spiritual wanderings, powerful marches; from mysticism and medieval metaphysics to divine philosophy and strength. Mysterious atmospheres and hypnotic structures to stimulate the subconscious. Includes a cover version song of The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath The Cloud. Digipak.
- Record Label: Twilight Records
- Genre: Dark Folk / Martial Industrial
- Availability: In Stock
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