KHOST - 'Copper Lock Hell'
CSR202CD (26 September 2014)
CD in jewelcase (SOLD OUT)
Barcode: 5060174956898
CSR202TS (2014)
Black shirt with white / greyscale print

With their debut "Copper Lock Hell", Birmingham-based duo Khost provide an intense wall of sound. Drop-tuned, monolithic structures of super-heavy chords, interspersed with chilling, pagan soundscapes made for worship at the altar of extreme sludge-industrial-doom. Found sounds, glitches, esoteric / gnostic ideas form the backbone of this hefty release. The whole experience is tense and unsettling, and is a solid primer for their live shows. Khost is Andy Swan (Iroha, Final, Atrocity Exhibition), and Damian Bennett (Carthage, Deathless).
Guests: Tunnels Of Ah, Kevin Laska (Novatron, Transitional), Eugene Robinson (Oxbow), Jo Quail (SonVer). Sold out.
Track listing:
1. Copper Lock Hell
2. 14 Daggers
3. Hypocrisy Banality Possession
4. Amoral Apathy Suppression
4. In The Nest Of The Red Throat
5. Drain, Pacify
6. 14 Daggers (Kevin Laska Remix)
"...what a debut! ...reminds of a mixture between the newer scene of drone-based dark metal and industrial-grindcore-based metal such as Godflesh and Saw Throat... the album has a lot of great atmospheres giving making the album a quite alluring sound experience. Highly recommended" (Vital Weekly)
"Copper Lock Hell is a well rounded release. From sludgey monolithic doom chords, Khost dovetail into industrial ambience and ritual electronics, sweeping up indigenous influences and ethereal vocals, whilst maintaining a blistering heaviness; a sound they share with others Birmingham borne outfits such as Godflesh, Scorn. All in all, it's powerful and immersive stuff well worth seeking out". (Compulsion)
"Copper Lock Hell fills an important void between the metal and drone camps. It could easily be a gateway record for those who love riffs, but find themselves intrigued by the more esoteric noises of the underground without a suitable entry point. It’s equal parts terrifying and enthralling. And it’s brilliant." (Freq)
"Ocho espectaculares temas que vertebran este impresionante trabajo musical donde la obscuridad sonora está presente a través de complejas estructuras instrumentales de irresistible belleza melódica...apocalípticos, neoclásicos, sacros y etéreos fundidos en el crisol sonoro del doom metal más innovador. “Copper Lock Hell”, contundente, intenso y adrenalínico álbum de debut." (Lux Atenea)
"Cold Spring si interessa anche al filone doom-noise, scoprendo nuove realtà: Khost è tra queste e non delude le aspettative, evitando gli eccessi di personalità e puntando tutto sulla potenza audio tipica del genere, con qualche richiamo d'atmosfera." (Darkroom)
CSR202CD (26 September 2014)
CD in jewelcase (SOLD OUT)
Barcode: 5060174956898
CSR202TS (2014)
Black shirt with white / greyscale print

With their debut "Copper Lock Hell", Birmingham-based duo Khost provide an intense wall of sound. Drop-tuned, monolithic structures of super-heavy chords, interspersed with chilling, pagan soundscapes made for worship at the altar of extreme sludge-industrial-doom. Found sounds, glitches, esoteric / gnostic ideas form the backbone of this hefty release. The whole experience is tense and unsettling, and is a solid primer for their live shows. Khost is Andy Swan (Iroha, Final, Atrocity Exhibition), and Damian Bennett (Carthage, Deathless).
Guests: Tunnels Of Ah, Kevin Laska (Novatron, Transitional), Eugene Robinson (Oxbow), Jo Quail (SonVer). Sold out.
Track listing:
1. Copper Lock Hell
2. 14 Daggers
3. Hypocrisy Banality Possession
4. Amoral Apathy Suppression
4. In The Nest Of The Red Throat
5. Drain, Pacify
6. 14 Daggers (Kevin Laska Remix)
"...what a debut! ...reminds of a mixture between the newer scene of drone-based dark metal and industrial-grindcore-based metal such as Godflesh and Saw Throat... the album has a lot of great atmospheres giving making the album a quite alluring sound experience. Highly recommended" (Vital Weekly)
"Copper Lock Hell is a well rounded release. From sludgey monolithic doom chords, Khost dovetail into industrial ambience and ritual electronics, sweeping up indigenous influences and ethereal vocals, whilst maintaining a blistering heaviness; a sound they share with others Birmingham borne outfits such as Godflesh, Scorn. All in all, it's powerful and immersive stuff well worth seeking out". (Compulsion)
"Copper Lock Hell fills an important void between the metal and drone camps. It could easily be a gateway record for those who love riffs, but find themselves intrigued by the more esoteric noises of the underground without a suitable entry point. It’s equal parts terrifying and enthralling. And it’s brilliant." (Freq)
"Ocho espectaculares temas que vertebran este impresionante trabajo musical donde la obscuridad sonora está presente a través de complejas estructuras instrumentales de irresistible belleza melódica...apocalípticos, neoclásicos, sacros y etéreos fundidos en el crisol sonoro del doom metal más innovador. “Copper Lock Hell”, contundente, intenso y adrenalínico álbum de debut." (Lux Atenea)
"Cold Spring si interessa anche al filone doom-noise, scoprendo nuove realtà: Khost è tra queste e non delude le aspettative, evitando gli eccessi di personalità e puntando tutto sulla potenza audio tipica del genere, con qualche richiamo d'atmosfera." (Darkroom)
KHOST - 'Copper Lock Hell' CD (CSR202CD)
- Record Label: - Cold Spring -
- Genre: Out Of Print
- Availability: Out Of Print