LA BREICHE - 'Le Rite'
CSR280CD (10 July 2020)
CD in 6-panel digipak
Barcode: 0641871745555
LA BREICHE ("the witch") features YAN AREXIS (Stille Volk / Sus Scrofa / Common Eider, King Eider / Coume Ouarnède), and PATRICK LAFFORGUE (Stille Volk / Sus Scrofa / Hantaoma). The two musicians are also the creators of the cult festival L'Homme Sauvage, held in Midi-Pyrenees each year.
After their 2017 debut "Le Mal des Ardents" (Cold Spring), "Le Rite" opens a new door, with post-folk sounds close to post-rock, influenced by ancient music, with folk used in a modernist way. Dark, ambient and yet mystical... deep with grandiose landscapes.
The sound of La Breiche is situated at the crossroads of early music and dark ambient; ambient music, industrial music with a strong ritual dimension. Their electro-acoustic is music based on old instruments such as the hurdy-gurdy, mixed with analogue synths, field recordings, and ritual objects, taking a mystified look at nature, archaic societies, rites, beliefs and lores, animism.
Presented in a stunning 6-panel digipak with artwork by Dehn Sora.
For fans of: Bark Psychosis, Sigur Ros, Wolves In The Throne Room, Hexvessel, Ulver, Rosa Crux.
Track listing:
1. Incipit
2. Le Rite
3. Démiurge Thaumaturge
4. Gæstebud
5. Exuvie
6. Senta Méra
7. Etter Regnet
8. Exorcisme Apocryphe
9. Homélie Du Trépassé
10. Monastery
11. Ekklesia
12. My Celestial Journey
"de espíritu ecléctico que oscila entre el post-folk y el dark-ambient, cubriendo cada uno de los doce temas que vertebran “Le Rite” con un aura sonora ritual que te sobrecoge por su solemnidad, además de presentar estructuras musicales con reminiscencias al post-rock... esta atmósfera ritual adquiere ese trasfondo fúnebre donde el rito adquiere ese significado simbólico y metafórico más allá de la ética y de la moral. Huesos, calaveras, pira crematoria, ceremonial… el alma abandonando lo terrenal camino a lo ultraterreno y a lo divino... tan maravilloso trabajo musical, y que evolucionará hacia un estilo ritual-folk muy ornamentado instrumentalmente. “Le Rite”, fusión musical de post-rock y dark-ambient de vanguardia con esa nebulosa sonora ritual que tanto nos atrae. ¡¡¡Disfrútenlo!!!" (Lux Atenea)
LA BREICHE - 'Le Rite' CD (CSR280CD)
- Record Label: - Cold Spring -
- Genre: Dark Folk / Ritual / Dark Ambient
- Availability: In Stock
- £11.00
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Tags: Dark Ambient, La Breiche, Le Rite, Cold Spring, Ritual, Dark Folk, Coume Ouarnède, King Eider, Common Eider, Hantaoma, CSR280CD, Stille Volk, Sus Scrofa