CSR128CD (April 2010)
CD in matt-laminate digipak (DELETED)
Barcode: 823566489825

The tracks on Daas have been carefully picked to form a provoking, haunting journey. What the tracks have in common is a sense of nostalgic graininess. As with the music of Philip Jeck, The Caretaker or William Basinski, these tracks are full of degrading melodies and dusty ambience.
'Daas' is the previously unreleased opening track of the album, and features contributions by the great Richard Skelton. This track was made as a reaction to the piece 'Koploop' (featuring Greg Haines on cello and Anne Bakker on violin). 'Flotter', 'Koploop' and 'Grom' were previously available on small run self released 3" CDRs. Sold out for some time now, these tracks deserved a wider audience. These three long tracks also seem to come from the same galaxy, making perfect sense when put together. 'Onkruid' was a track previously released on 'A Room Forever', as an expensive and extremely limited 12" boxset, now brought to a wider audience.
Track Listing:
1. Daas
2. Flotter
3. Onkruid
4. Koploop
5. Grom
"Machinefabriek's music appears to exude some odourless otherworldy gas that renders listeners helpless, nay, catatonic... this music is a stone chapel on a hillside in November in the rain; it’s a haunted and low-masted Viking death ship drifting under the radar in the fog of night in a post-‘Sinking of the Titanic’ stylee, a rudderless and drifting motorized cloud fuelled only by dusty ½ bit low grade samples and banks of monolithic Soviet-sized robot choirs..." (Julian Cope, Head Heritage)
"...all the tracks, new AND old, play out like an album, all woven together into a haunting sepia tone dronescape, fans of folks like William Basinksi and Philip Jeck and Leyland Kirby who have yet to discover the magical sonic mystery of Machinefabriek would do well to start here... An incredible collection, and for most folks, it might even be the first time hearing most, if not all of these tracks... Essential dreamdronedriftmusic for sure." (Aquarius)
"...staggeringly beautifully melancholic... It’s almost like listening to a film sound track... it’s very much the neoclassical feel with a heavy emphasis on string sounds and to an extent drones... All the pieces are very slow and in a minor key giving them again that melancholy sound... it would be interesting to hear these pieces played by a real string quartet." (Progress Report)
"...his work flows beautifully with a microscopic attention to detail. Largely hushed and drawn-out with a depth and beauty these tracks combine ambient and drone, with classical and location recordings to create some supremely crafted tracks of disintegrated, lost melodies... I can't decide whether it is dreamily haunting or hauntingly dreamy... Machinefabriek are just as adept using shades of grey as they are as they are with autumnal hues and shadowy wintry tones." (Compulsion Online)
Daas is dense and mysterious, midtone gray... there is this cross between pulled tones and tense low-fi frequency. Like the embers in the aftermath of a massive campfire it burns in cold honey-like slow motion... The record is dotted with rustic crackle and tiny ignition sparks that fall from the grid, patternless at times. Overall Daas is melodically striated with a lure that seems to be channeling some spirit forms. More ghostly than ghastly Zuydervelt’s method for crafting the bottom end really brings out an intimate relationship, activating the listener." (Toneshift)
"In balance from modern classic music, minimal ambient and experimental, Machinefabriek's music is like a soundtrack for the mind or music you only heard on your psychedelic dreams. Formed by progressive minimal variations of sounds produced with cello, violin, guitar and processed sounds the five long suites you can find on DAAS sound like your life in stop motion. Growing slowly like a blade of grass, the sound pass from delicate moments to compressed wall of sounds without the violence you should think it could come from a wall of sound. Instead, it will seems a normal thing, like the increasing movement of an hand that closes and become a fist..." (Chain D.L.K.)
"Machinefabriek erzeugt mit seinen fünf Songs mit zum Teil exorbitanter Spielzeit eine stille Melancholie. Das Kratzen und Knistern in den Songs weckt zudem nostalgische Empfindungen, wie bei schon etwas angestaubten Erinnerungen... “Dass” enthält einige wunderschöne Momente tiefster in sich ruhender Melancholie und zudem schöne Melodien" (5/6, Medienkonverter)
"Een prachtig desolaat stuk... deze werken tot het meest duistere van Rutger behoren en niet willekeurig zijn uitgekozen. Normaal gesproken heeft Rutger weliswaar zijn eigen sound, maar zijn werken zijn niet zo maar één op één aan elkaar te knopen. Deze vijf desolate en droefgeestige klanklandschappen trekken echter wel als een consistente soundtrack aan je voorbij. Een gitzwarte maar bloedstollende, wonderschone en mysterieuze soundtrack dat is. Wederom onderstreept dit meesterlijke werk de onbegrensde vakmanschap van Machinefabriek!" (De Subjectivisten)
"La generale austerità delle atmosfere si protende in tal modo verso territori di più evidente uniformità dark-ambient, ma risalta altrettanto laddove ai filtraggi dronici si abbinano più percettibili incursioni d'archi" (Ondarock)
"..i pezzi sono uniti da un evidente feeling compositivo e da una forte malinconia di fondo. L’essenza del disco risiede in un curioso mix di partiture elettroniche diramate in droni, tappeti ambientali e rumorismi puri, a cui si uniscono flebili temi di archi in sovrimpressione che fanno scivolare i temi più ruvidi in atmosfere sognanti e isolazioniste... Buona la resa audio favorisce i toni alti e riesce a dare lustro tanto ai gorghi sonori quanto alle piccole schegge di rumore che intercorrono nei pezzi. “Daas” è forse il disco migliore per avvicinarsi all’opera di Machinefabriek" (Darkroom)
"Wer sich die Zeit dafür nimmt, der ist herzlich eingeladen, auf eine Reise innigster Momente, gekleidet in stimmige Gewänder des Dark Ambient. Dieser ist jedoch nicht unbedingt als wirklich düster zu benennen, sondern lebt vielmehr vom reizvollen Zusammenspiel ambienter Klanggebilde... ein gelungenes Album mit starker Spielzeit und leckerem Inhalt" (Necroweb)
"Il concetto sonoro che Machinefabriek esplicita attraverso ‘Daas’ è quello della narrazione strumentale di forma ambientale minimale, veicolata attraverso melodie tanto glaciali e rarefatte quanto più espressive ed epiche, laddove la componente elettronica e quella orchestrale provano a parlarsi utilizzando il comune linguaggio della malinconia, che sottende tutti i brani" (Dagheisha)
CSR128CD (April 2010)
CD in matt-laminate digipak (DELETED)
Barcode: 823566489825

The tracks on Daas have been carefully picked to form a provoking, haunting journey. What the tracks have in common is a sense of nostalgic graininess. As with the music of Philip Jeck, The Caretaker or William Basinski, these tracks are full of degrading melodies and dusty ambience.
'Daas' is the previously unreleased opening track of the album, and features contributions by the great Richard Skelton. This track was made as a reaction to the piece 'Koploop' (featuring Greg Haines on cello and Anne Bakker on violin). 'Flotter', 'Koploop' and 'Grom' were previously available on small run self released 3" CDRs. Sold out for some time now, these tracks deserved a wider audience. These three long tracks also seem to come from the same galaxy, making perfect sense when put together. 'Onkruid' was a track previously released on 'A Room Forever', as an expensive and extremely limited 12" boxset, now brought to a wider audience.
Track Listing:
1. Daas
2. Flotter
3. Onkruid
4. Koploop
5. Grom
"Machinefabriek's music appears to exude some odourless otherworldy gas that renders listeners helpless, nay, catatonic... this music is a stone chapel on a hillside in November in the rain; it’s a haunted and low-masted Viking death ship drifting under the radar in the fog of night in a post-‘Sinking of the Titanic’ stylee, a rudderless and drifting motorized cloud fuelled only by dusty ½ bit low grade samples and banks of monolithic Soviet-sized robot choirs..." (Julian Cope, Head Heritage)
"...all the tracks, new AND old, play out like an album, all woven together into a haunting sepia tone dronescape, fans of folks like William Basinksi and Philip Jeck and Leyland Kirby who have yet to discover the magical sonic mystery of Machinefabriek would do well to start here... An incredible collection, and for most folks, it might even be the first time hearing most, if not all of these tracks... Essential dreamdronedriftmusic for sure." (Aquarius)
"...staggeringly beautifully melancholic... It’s almost like listening to a film sound track... it’s very much the neoclassical feel with a heavy emphasis on string sounds and to an extent drones... All the pieces are very slow and in a minor key giving them again that melancholy sound... it would be interesting to hear these pieces played by a real string quartet." (Progress Report)
"...his work flows beautifully with a microscopic attention to detail. Largely hushed and drawn-out with a depth and beauty these tracks combine ambient and drone, with classical and location recordings to create some supremely crafted tracks of disintegrated, lost melodies... I can't decide whether it is dreamily haunting or hauntingly dreamy... Machinefabriek are just as adept using shades of grey as they are as they are with autumnal hues and shadowy wintry tones." (Compulsion Online)
Daas is dense and mysterious, midtone gray... there is this cross between pulled tones and tense low-fi frequency. Like the embers in the aftermath of a massive campfire it burns in cold honey-like slow motion... The record is dotted with rustic crackle and tiny ignition sparks that fall from the grid, patternless at times. Overall Daas is melodically striated with a lure that seems to be channeling some spirit forms. More ghostly than ghastly Zuydervelt’s method for crafting the bottom end really brings out an intimate relationship, activating the listener." (Toneshift)
"In balance from modern classic music, minimal ambient and experimental, Machinefabriek's music is like a soundtrack for the mind or music you only heard on your psychedelic dreams. Formed by progressive minimal variations of sounds produced with cello, violin, guitar and processed sounds the five long suites you can find on DAAS sound like your life in stop motion. Growing slowly like a blade of grass, the sound pass from delicate moments to compressed wall of sounds without the violence you should think it could come from a wall of sound. Instead, it will seems a normal thing, like the increasing movement of an hand that closes and become a fist..." (Chain D.L.K.)
"Machinefabriek erzeugt mit seinen fünf Songs mit zum Teil exorbitanter Spielzeit eine stille Melancholie. Das Kratzen und Knistern in den Songs weckt zudem nostalgische Empfindungen, wie bei schon etwas angestaubten Erinnerungen... “Dass” enthält einige wunderschöne Momente tiefster in sich ruhender Melancholie und zudem schöne Melodien" (5/6, Medienkonverter)
"Een prachtig desolaat stuk... deze werken tot het meest duistere van Rutger behoren en niet willekeurig zijn uitgekozen. Normaal gesproken heeft Rutger weliswaar zijn eigen sound, maar zijn werken zijn niet zo maar één op één aan elkaar te knopen. Deze vijf desolate en droefgeestige klanklandschappen trekken echter wel als een consistente soundtrack aan je voorbij. Een gitzwarte maar bloedstollende, wonderschone en mysterieuze soundtrack dat is. Wederom onderstreept dit meesterlijke werk de onbegrensde vakmanschap van Machinefabriek!" (De Subjectivisten)
"La generale austerità delle atmosfere si protende in tal modo verso territori di più evidente uniformità dark-ambient, ma risalta altrettanto laddove ai filtraggi dronici si abbinano più percettibili incursioni d'archi" (Ondarock)
"..i pezzi sono uniti da un evidente feeling compositivo e da una forte malinconia di fondo. L’essenza del disco risiede in un curioso mix di partiture elettroniche diramate in droni, tappeti ambientali e rumorismi puri, a cui si uniscono flebili temi di archi in sovrimpressione che fanno scivolare i temi più ruvidi in atmosfere sognanti e isolazioniste... Buona la resa audio favorisce i toni alti e riesce a dare lustro tanto ai gorghi sonori quanto alle piccole schegge di rumore che intercorrono nei pezzi. “Daas” è forse il disco migliore per avvicinarsi all’opera di Machinefabriek" (Darkroom)
"Wer sich die Zeit dafür nimmt, der ist herzlich eingeladen, auf eine Reise innigster Momente, gekleidet in stimmige Gewänder des Dark Ambient. Dieser ist jedoch nicht unbedingt als wirklich düster zu benennen, sondern lebt vielmehr vom reizvollen Zusammenspiel ambienter Klanggebilde... ein gelungenes Album mit starker Spielzeit und leckerem Inhalt" (Necroweb)
"Il concetto sonoro che Machinefabriek esplicita attraverso ‘Daas’ è quello della narrazione strumentale di forma ambientale minimale, veicolata attraverso melodie tanto glaciali e rarefatte quanto più espressive ed epiche, laddove la componente elettronica e quella orchestrale provano a parlarsi utilizzando il comune linguaggio della malinconia, che sottende tutti i brani" (Dagheisha)
- Record Label: - Cold Spring -
- Genre: Out Of Print
- Availability: Out Of Print