SATØRI - 'The Woods'
Barcode: 0641871746149

"Debris in the corners; steel shavings and teeth..."
Formed in the mid-80's, with previous releases on high-calibre labels such as Broken Flag, Cold Spring, Trident, Mindscan, and Tesco Organisation, Industrial / Power Electronics veteran SATØRI returns with a new dark and disturbing journey into the very depths of human horror.
Using his love of pure noise, harsh synths and brutal percussion, SATØRI has created a dystopian cinematic soundscape in which it would be entirely possible to lose your very soul. While the last two releases concentrated on what could be described as "observations on humanity's ability to drag itself down to its lowest common denominator", this new work focuses on a more localised depravity - that of the lone wolf. An individual who, having no moral compass, has no boundaries to cross.
"...there is something wrong here"
An overcast autumn afternoon in the forest and a light rain crackles the fallen leaves. The camera, low to the ground, follows behind a pair of well-worn work boots as they approach a rundown shack deep in the undergrowth. As we move closer the air seems to thicken. To the side is what appears to be a shed or garage. Wooden double doors rotten at the base but firmly chained and padlocked. The camera moves to the front and rises to eye level. Hands reach out to undo the locks. For some inescapable reason we know that inside we are going to find pure unadulterated evil.
Welcome to The Woods.
CD in matt-laminate digipak with artwork by Abby Helasdottir.
Track Listing:
1. A Stopped Clock (4:26)
2. Restrict (4:51)
3. The Summoning (5:18)
4. Caustic (5:54)
5. Black Serpent Kiss (7:01)
6. Pressing Down (4:52)
7. Body & Blood (3:53)
8. Abuser (3:22)
9. You Can't Breathe (3:45)
"Noise release of this week... Satøri mixes noise and rhythm, and the music has a lyrical side... I think of 'The Woods' as the nightmare of being alone, lost in the woods, and hunted down by an unknown predator... A horror soundtrack, and that's how the music sounds. Deep and furious... There is no endless stream of sound or noise for the sake of noise. We're dealing here with someone who gave his noise thought, composition, direction and focus, unlike many others in this musical world. Powerful stuff, a solid ear cleaner, and a great racket for this week" (Vital Weekly)
""This one takes you on a real journey, as if you’re being forcefully ushered towards an isolated cabin in a forest where the sounds of chainsaws and other machinery echo through the trees. Whispers and screams let you know that whatever the fuck is going on in there, you’ll not be leaving there alive. It appears a ritual is taking place here... The intermittent walls of sound grow in intensity and frequency. Like saws against flesh and bone, Caustic rips at your skin, the ritual has been complete and your body will now be cut limb from limb... This cabin reveals itself to be a slaughterhouse where countless unknown horrors have taken place... This album feels like a horror soundtrack, the rhythm and pacing has been carefully orchestrated and there is a clear story being painted. In short: incredible. Pick it up immediately" (Lethal Compound)
"Moody & foreboding synth scaping, with searing ‘n’ fizzing harsh noise & ambient industrial- all topped with moments of shouty to atmospheric vocals. Making for an album that often shifts from the uneasy/ shadowy to the intense/ roasting... very much an album that is constantly seesawing back and forth between shadowy atmospherics and nerve-flaying noise. All making for a nicely unpredictable ride, which will both creep out & overload its listening" (Musique Machine)
"The Woods is another massive wall of noise with highly distorted vocals. The sound reminds quite a bit of Control at times. Some tracks start a bit ambient to give the listener some rest, but pretty soon the dentist drill sound and other noises that make a wall of noise set in. As before the tracks also have a bit of an industrial side with heavy blasts, but it are the chainsaws and the screeching that are mostly noticeable. Somehow the sonic mayhem works quite well for me, but even on my scale "The Woods" makes a pretty tough listen" (Gangleri)
"Si un disco de Satori siempre deja buen sabor de boca, espera a escuchar “The Woods”... Este veterano británico del power electronics nos ofrece en sus nueve temas un impresionante ejemplo de maestría; no solo por el planteamiento de cada corte, sino también por su ejemplar producción y masterización. “The Woods” se ha convertido de forma automática en un referente del ruido extremo... Me atrevería a decir que esta es la obra maestra de toda su discografía. The Woods es un disco que equilibra el power electronics más salvaje con retazos de dark ambient muy bien planteado, generando una constante fluctuación de intensidades que logra mantener la tensión en todo momento... es casi imposible que no termines encaprichándote de él. Sí, hablamos de un 10 sobre 10" (10/10, No Melody)
"Satori erkundet in „The Woods“ die dunklen, grausamen Seiten der Natur. Mit einer starken Affinität zu purem Noise, harten Synthesizern und brutalen Percussions schafft die Industrial Power/Electro-Band eine Atmosphäre, in der die Seele verloren gehen könnte. Die Tracks sind nicht nur Musikstücke, sondern klangliche Erzählungen, die Sie auf eine dunkle Reise durch eine bedrückende Landschaft mitnehmen. Sie schaffen Bilder von unerforschten Wäldern, in denen Dunkelheit herrscht und Geheimnisse im Schatten lauern. Die düsteren Texte und die eindringliche Atmosphäre laden dazu ein,... die Grausamkeiten der Natur zu erkunden" (Orkus)
"Dieses Album des Briten überzeugt in allen Belangen. Neben dem Thema „Drohender Wald“ erinnern auch die ultra-aggressiven Vocals bei Songs wie „Black Serpent Kiss“ an Black-Metal-Bands … Andererseits hat er mehr Bezug zu MZ.412: dem Thema des Albums Materie und Sound erinnern tatsächlich an ihre schwedischen Labelkollegen... Satori, die einst für das Album „Contemptus Mundi“ mit dem Hohepriester der Church of Satan, Magus Peter H. Gilmore, zusammenarbeiteten, klingen auf dem Album oft so die oben erwähnten berüchtigten Schweden: düster, gebrochen, voluminös, bedrohlich, geprägt von den oben erwähnten wütenden Vocals" (Sonic Seducer)
"Delle più solide certezze in circolazione per gli amanti del rumore industriale e della power-electro, rilasciando lavori di grande spessore... le grandi ed indiscusse abilità del veterano Kirby, fra i migliori manipolatori del rumore industriale nell'intero, sconfinato panorama a tinte grigio/nere... nove tracce edificate su bordate noise, muri sonori harsh e power-electro disturbanti, taglienti, devastanti, col rumore sempre in evoluzione, intervallato da sporadici passaggi di cupa dark ambient... laceranti e di atmosfere da vero e proprio incubo, algide, strazianti, austere, severe, minacciose, torbide, inquietanti, nere. Il tutto nella miglior qualità audio reperibile nel settore, rifinita con un gustoso taglio filmico di alta caratura, per un ascolto di grande solidità e compattezza che non mancherà di soddisfare pienamente sia i palati più esigenti della scena noise/industrial... una visione artistica di rara forza" (8/10, Darkroom)
"The Woods" è prodigo di distopiche inflessioni, nell'alternanza tra silenzi e sussurri e cascate di rumore e tonfi inesorabili... cieca power electronics vorticosa e rombante tra minacciose declamazioni... un drone posstente e da battiti marziali, impotenti le mura noise che si ergono a contenere urla strozzatte e distorte... incessante martellamento di sibili lancinanti... nel noise, non si capisce se agonizza una voce umama o è una sirena... i un tambureggiante finale, di svelare l'elemento demonico che girovaga nell'album" (Blow Up Magazine)
"El horror en estado puro... Dave Kirby ahonda en esta obra en ese lado obscuro y demoníaco del ser humano manifestado en sus impulsos irracionales más destructivos y viscerales... Power Electronics innovador y deslumbrante en su siniestra belleza musical... espectacular!" (Lux Atenea)
SATØRI - 'The Woods' CD (CSR322CD)
- Record Label: - Cold Spring -
- Genre: Industrial / Power Electronics
- Availability: In Stock
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Tags: SATØRI, The Woods, Cold Spring, Satori, Industrial, Power Electronics, Dave Kirby