• WICKED KING WICKER - 'God Is Busy... Save Yourself' CD (CSR125CD)

WICKED KING WICKER - 'God Is Busy... Save Yourself'

CSR125CD (October 2009)
CD in jewelcase
Barcode: 823566489528

Wicked King Wicker is pure doom. Their brand of guttural expression leaves nothing for the listener than the caustic reality of the darkest side of life. It is heavy, barbaric and void of hope. Wicked King Wicker has taken the power of doom metal and added noise to mix to make its point. 'God Is Busy... Save Yourself' is their 6th album, and their first released outside of the U.S. Wicked King Wicker stands alone as the heaviest, most brutal doom imaginable and it may take you places you don't want to go.

1. Those Who Bear Responsibility (16:21)
2. Call My Name Sweet Demon, So I Know I Am Not Alone (18:23)
3. So Easily Lead Astray (18:12)


"...planet crushing doom drone blackness... a juggernaut of low end brute force, ultra doom, plodding, trudging, lumbering heaviness, slowed down to an absolute crawl, 4 bpm never sounded so harsh and harrowing, ... WKW take the slow and low template laid out by Khanate, and fill up all the extra space with crumbling distortion, howling feedback, garbled grunted vokills, fractured riffs, churning anti-rhythms, filthy and blackened and grim, a sprawling black cloud of sound, that seems to teeter on the edge, right between doom metal and pure drone, the two elements fused into some impossibly brutal and punishing sonic beast" (Aquarius)

"... this is the most useful slab o'monolithic Doom I've heard in a long time, sounding like somebody suspended Khanate's James Plotkin in a diving bell at 100 fathoms and asked him to master the sounds of Moby Dick's latest bowel movement. Fans of Skullflower, Kabalist, Lotus Eaters and Sunn O)))'s ancient FLIGHT OF THE BEHEMOTH really should rush to book their own personal copy because, f*ck me, this is the most keep-you-awake Meditation a boy could wish for..." (Julian Cope / Head Heritage)

"SUNN O)))'s mentally disturbed brother now residing in a maximum security mental institution in upstate New York makes a CD. One listen to this and you'll think MOSS is too melodic... This is the epitome of Doom, Dirge and Distorted Sludge... As much as I consider this to be completely disturbing there is something magnetic about God is Busy Save Yourself...this is genius" (Scumfeast)

"... an unique experience for the lovers of soundscapes dominated by noise elements... The main influence from the project has to be find in the doom scene. That brings an unavoidable link with metal music, but the metal music must have been raped by the harsh sonic assaults of Wicked King Wicker... Darker than the night this album sounds like the trademark of the devil!" (Side-Line)

"What singles Wicked King Wicker out from other doom projects is their use of noise. Each of these three 15+ minute slabs of monolithic heaviness is accompanied by a monsterous roar... At points it's like listening to a doom project and Merzbow simultaneously... Ardent noise guitar fanatics and doom listeners will find much to savour here" (Compulsion)

"... everlasting tracks, distorted, slow and heavy-as-boulders sounds, cavernous and horrendous vocals... a whirling chaos of distortions, noises, screeching and feedbacks flows endlessly, sometimes crossed by beyond-human vocals. The final result is hypnotic and stunning... Recommended to the cultists of the slowest and most inexorable sonic agony" (Filthforge)

"[Wicked King Wicker] belongs to the harsh side of electronic expressions... anger and extreme aggression saturates the compositions of the album... Wicked King Wicker moves in abstract spheres with no sign of rhythm texture and almost non-existing vocals though signs of human roar seems to be somewhere in the thick fog of sheer brutality..." (Vital Weekly)

"... a truly suffocating, crushing & black as night excerise in sludge infected & barbed wire noise ripped doom metal. This truly is one of the thickest, nastiest sounding doom records I’ve ever come across - that is best approached only if you enjoy both doom & all out noise mix... if you want the most seared, noised-up doom hit ever, your unlikely to find anything to compete with this nasty bastard of a record" (4/5, Musique Machine)

"Wicked King Wicker sound like a crushing bones machine... Already at the beginning of the track you are supposing that they already reached a good level of chaos but after ten minutes you discover that you were wrong and that the band reserved something more for you... dealing with noise as it sounds like coming from space" (Chain D.L.K.)

"Heavy, ritualistic, and devoid of hope, WKW strip the last remnants of rock and roll from the corpse of doom and dress it in a shroud of pure noise... with repeated headphone sessions the dark perfection buried deep beneath the whirls of feedback and glitch emerge from the gloom to offer viable explanation for their presence. Ever brutal with each subsequent release..." (Mudkiss)

"...pure Verdammnis... nur ein einziges, scheinbar nicht enden wollendes Gefühl der Zerstörung und des Hasses kennzeichnen dieses Album, bei dem der Titel deutlich mehr als Programm und plakatives Beiwerk ist. Das mag für den Zuhörer nicht immer ganz einfach zu konsumieren sein, ist in seiner bitteren Konsequenz und seiner Konzeption aber absolut überzeugend und kompromisslos" (Obliveon)

"Doom nicht im Sinne von Doom Metal, sondern eher in einem ambient-industrial-lastigen Sinne mit sich entwickelnden Klangsphären, die zäh ineinander überfließen und als große Konstante ein Gefühl von Unbehagen mit sich bringen... Man sollte sich allerdings nicht wundern, wenn man nach dem Hören der CD auf einmal Angstgefühle bekommt, wenn es mal unerwartet an der Tür klopft..." (Alternativmusik)

"WKW sind auf "God Is Busy… Save Yourself" also laut, brutal und gleichzeitig meditativ... Wenn man Drone oder Doom Metal mag, aber die Verzerrung und Wall Of Sound einem nicht stark genug sind, oder wenn man auf Noise steht und dem Gitarren-Sound nicht abgeneigt ist, dann kann man sich durchaus an dieses Album wage" (Medienkonverter)

WICKED KING WICKER - 'God Is Busy... Save Yourself' CD (CSR125CD)

  • Record Label: - Cold Spring -
  • Genre: Doom Metal / Noise
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £4.00

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Tags: Doom Metal, Save Yourself, Noise, Cold Spring, Wicked King Wicker, God Is Busy