• KREUZWEG OST - 'Gott Mit Uns' CD (CSR141CD)

KREUZWEG OST - 'Gott Mit Uns'

CSR141CD (9 January 2012)
CD in jewelcase
Barcode: 823566505129

2nd monumental album from Kreuzweg Ost for Cold Spring, headed by Michael Gregor (SUMMONING / AMESTIGON). "We see a light through the dim and cloudy shadows of our existence. In the electric field between. Total faith and desperation, hope and doubt, eternal bliss and delusion, we walk an unsure path to an unknown end. When the clouds open, the light navigates. The loud music of the sky: pounding drums surrounded by trumpets and swirling voices echoing from a distance unknown". Kreuzweg Ost rises again with God on their side. “Gott Mit Uns” combines a variety of different musical styles: from Martial Industrial to Classical sounds, from deep Ambient to cinematic Pop music. These musical prayers are made for those seeking salvation.

Track listing:

1. Exitus In Paradisum
2. Calvaria
3. Stammen
4. Heiliger Gehorsam
5. Thy Will Be Done
6. Black Moon
7. Geh Mit Gott
8. Feuertaufe
9. Geistige Emigration


Gothic.at Albums Of The Year 2012

"Spoken, screamed or shouted female or male words, combined with martial, Laibach kind of industrial beats, pounding drums, trumpets, atmospheric synths, orchestrations, some choirs in the distance and neoclassical arrangements make this an extraordinary piece of sonic adventure, different from all others in this genre. It's a black ritual going on here. Still there is some kind of paradox, as within all of this suffocating blackness, delusion, doubt and desperation lies faith and hope...This musical majestical work is after all for those seeking salvation" (9/10, Terra Relicta)

"Gott Mit Uns ("God With Us") sounds rather epic like... It sometimes gives me the impression of being a perfect soundtrack... The work of Kreuzweg Ost is characterized by very impressive writing. The tracks were constructed with multiple sounds and effects. Crashing sounds and even vague tribal elements can be noticed now and then. There’s a kind of unexpected harmony between epic harshness and refined arrangements... Despite of the title, "Gott Mit Uns" is much more devilish than you might expect. It's a remarkable release in its genre" (Side-Line)

"...a goal has been reached by means of a very wise musical operation of syncretism, fed with martial industrial, darkwave, ambient, drones, classical military music, movie samples and soundtracks, whose stylistical peaks have been climbed in tracks like "Geh Mit Gott", "Geistige Emigration", the above-mentioned "Calvaria"... the disquieting electric ventilator-aided march of "Stammen" and the cinematic hooks of "Thy Will Be Done" (4.5/5, Chain D.L.K.)

"Kreuzweg Ost take their time to make their music... Almost every track opens with a well-done rhythmic experiment and slowly builds up in melodies and samples... Again Kreuzweg Ost come with nice ideas and work them out meticulously resulting in very good tracks... A good album again, not with the typical martial industrial orchestral bombast, but the Kreuzweg Ost version of the genre." (Gangleri)

"...con la nuova fatica i Kreuzweg Ost conseguono l'attesa maturazione, portando il proprio concept sonoro ad un livello nettamente superiore, a partire da una produzione in grado di far risaltare le grandi peculiarità di ogni brano. Il vero salto di qualità gli austriaci lo compiono puntando sulla forza delle melodie, pregnanti, prive di fronzoli e sempre dominanti all'interno di canzoni più snelle e capaci di cogliere pienamente nel segno... grazie ad una maturazione decisiva che ha portato il loro songwriting a livelli d'efficacia importanti: sarà un piacere attenderne i passi successivi, apprezzando nel mentre questa eccellente nuova fatica" (8/10, Darkroom)

"La sigla Viennese ha allestito un'opera di inusitata potenza e di impressionante vigore, che sostiene durate dei singoli brani non indifferenti, superano i sette minuti con l'unica eccezione dell'epilogo Geistige Emigration, tra parossistici aneliti decadenti e marce che inflessibilmente lasciano terra bruciata, con frangenti di suggestione assai consistente, in particolare in Calvaria, Feuertaufe, Geh mit Got, tempestosamente incontenibile, Thy Will Be Done, con per loro non inediti accenni mediorientali, con struggimenti nostalgici di trascinante, eroico, romanticismo in Stammen e pressanti inviti al sacrificio in Heiliger Gehorsam" (Blow-Up)

"Irgendwo zwischen martialischem Bombast und symphonischer Neoklassik ist das neue Album "Gott mit uns" von KREUZWEG OST einzuordnen. Man setzt auf erhabene Flächen und lang dahinstehende Akkorde und auf eher zurückhaltende Melodik - was die Spritzigkeit angeht... Sollte man Vergleiche ziehen, so kommt man in guten Momenten an alte PROTAGONIST heran. Insgesamt lãsst sich vielleicht aber eher eine Verwandtschaft zu A CHALLENGE OF HONOUR bei vergleichbar angelegten Werken erkennen" (NONPOP)

"Также порадовала атмосфера альбома. В первую очередь своей глубиной и экспрессией безо всякого пафоса, а также некой своеобразной эпичностью... Альбом "Edelrost" в целом является достойным продолжением шедеврального Iron Avantgarde и открывает новую сторону музыки Kreuzweg Ost, более мистическую и атмосферную. Учтивая, что музыка Kreuzweg Ost сложна и требует понимания... Kreuzweg Ost – это мир нестандартных взглядов и сложных эмоций, поэтому вполне естественно, что "на любителя"... " (Metallibrary.ru)

KREUZWEG OST - 'Gott Mit Uns' CD (CSR141CD)

  • Record Label: - Cold Spring -
  • Genre: Martial Industrial / Dark Ambient / Cinematic
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £7.00
  • £4.00

Tags: Summoning, Gott Mitt Uns, Cinematic, Kreuzweg Ost, Martial Industrial, Dark Ambient, Cold Spring, Amestigon