Anthropofugal thinkers E.M. Cioran and Ulrich Horstmann play a very important role in the exceptional new album by Asmus Tietchens.
The theme of this release deals with a return to a mineral world without any organic species, and therefore uninhabitable for human beings. This very radical dystopia serves as a foil to the six chapters of "Schatten ohne Licht". There is something profound about the music; it can be slow and is certainly contemplative. Maybe the music is a sign of the state of our times?
Beginning recording sound experiments in 1965 with electronic musical instruments, synthesizers and tape loops, Tietchen's ground-breaking music still influences many working in today's electronic music scene.
ASMUS TIETCHENS - 'Schatten Ohne Licht' CD
- Record Label: Black Rose Recordings
- Genre: Experimental / Electroacoustic / Ambient
- Availability: In Stock
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Tags: ASMUS TIETCHENS, Schatten Ohne Licht, Black Rose Recordings, Experimental, no sample, Electroacoustic, Ambient